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Thursday, September 25, 2014

Teach Your Dog to "Go Potty"

This might be a command that you never thought of teaching your dog but it can be a life saver.  There will be times when you need your dog to do their "business" ASAP.  Maybe you're standing out in the rain or snow.  Maybe you're about to go on a car trip and don't want any unfortunate "accidents".  Either way, you'll want your dog to "get to work" quickly.
To teach this command, grab a few of your handy dog treats, put your dog on it's leash, and head outside.  As soon as your dog starts to relieve themselves, give the command "go potty" (or whatever command you choose like "do work", "boom time", etc.) and when they finish, praise them and give them a treat. 
When teaching this command, don't spend to much time outside with the dog.  If they don't need to go to the bathroom after a few minutes, go back inside and wait until you think they may need to relieve themselves.  You want them to connect the treat with going potty on command and not just getting a treat while they're out for a nice walk and then they just happened to take a leak.  Be sure to use this command with either "number 1" or "number 2" so they know either one is praiseworthy.

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